a) Project title:
“Study shadowing” in Spain and Belgium, analysing and evaluating different methodologies in the acquisition of language, both in and out of the classroom.
b) Objectifs:
Being immersed in a foreign language and culture by living with a host family and attending school;
Developing European awareness;
Learning to adapt;
Studying in a foreign language;
Reflecting on different methods of language learning;
Discovering a new country;
Developing autonomy and self-reliance;
Practising oral communication skills;
Communicating via technology (film, photography, blog, …).
Improving teaching and communication skills by having to teach class to a group of pupils who speak a different language;
Encouraging team-work, the involvement of teachers in a joint project with studens and sharing experiences;
Learning through the experiences of their students and comparing mothodologies used in a different school and country;
Developing closer ties with a different European school to share educational experiences;
Expanding the offer of European / international activities within both schools.
Host families
Learning about the culture of the students they are hosting;
Initiating them into the customs of their home and their country;
Supporting the students in their studies and their lives outside school;
Participating more fully in the daily life of the school.
School communities
Improving the quality of language programs of both schools;
Increasing European awareness;
Improving the overall level of motivation and achievement within the school;
Promoting multiculturalism and integration of students of different backgrounds and language.
c) Preparatory activities for students:
Intensive language lessons;
Finding out about specific content of subjects that they are going to study in the other school and comparing with subject content in their own school;
Learning to use eTwinning / technology to communicate;
Enhancing the integration of European projects within the school;
Exploring ways to propote active learning situations in the classroom.
d) Evaluation of the project:
Student assessment will be carried out through:
– The development ot the digital newspaper and publication on the websites of the schools and the eTwinning platform.
– Photographs / film of the experience.
– Presentation to school about the experience.
– Students’ results in different subject areas.
– Use of appropriate and effective language learning methods.
e) Teachers’ meatings:
- 2014 November Bierges
- 2015 January Córdoba
- 2015 March Bierges
- 2015 September Bierges
- 2016 January Córdoba
- 2016 May Córdoba
f) Pupil exchanges:
Long-term mobility
- 2015 January to April: 3 Belgian pupils
- 2015 March to May: 3 Spanish pupils
- 2015 September to December: 3 Spanish pupils
- 2016 January to March: 3 Belgian pupils
Short-term mobility
- 2015 January 1 week: 8 Belgian pupils
- 2015 March 1 week: 8 Spanish pupils
- 2015 September 1 week: 7 Spanish pupils
- 2016 January 1 week: 7 Belgian pupils
g) Activities:
- Getting to know the city (Córdoba / Wavre);
- Cultural visits: (Granada, Sevilla, Mérida / Leuven, Brugge, Brussel);
- Discover the nature of the country;
- Digital diary / blog of pupils’ experiences during the exchanges, linked to the eTwinning platform and placed on both school websites.
- Developing use of new technologies to propote language learning in the classroom;
- Sharing best practice for teaching pupils for whom the official school language is not their first language (FLE at Le Verseau);
- Bilingual cineforum: watching movies, television, series or documentaries in English, French or Spanish, followed by an analysis in both schools.
- Creating a new language curriculum tob e presented to the Education Department for adoption by Le Verseau and made available to other schools of FELSI;
- Experimenting with different techniques for promoting reading skills across the curriculum in collaboration with UCL Louvain-la-Neuve.
Les blogs de nos élèves
Janvier 2015 – avril 2015